General Pest Control
Why You Need Professional Pest Control Services ?
1. A Do-It-yourself Approach To Pest Control Is Not Always Enough
There are many products available to consumers that will claim to rid your home of your pest infestation woes. Although these products can appear to be effective initially, they will not eliminate your pest infestation for good. Many of these treatments are not able to get to the root of your pest problems and only have surface level effectiveness when it comes to controlling infesting insects or rodents. When you purchase a pest control product at the store, these products will usually only get rid of the infesting pests that you see scurrying about in your home and on your property. The source of most infestations, whether a rats nest or a termite colony, are usually out of sight and are not able to be reached by over the counter pest control products. This is why it is crucial to rely on professional pest control services, as your treating technician will take an even deeper dive into finding and eliminating the source of the infesting pest. To make sure you catch your infestation early before it becomes bigger and more difficult to control, contact pest control services upon the first sight of insects, rodents, wasps and other pests that might make themselves comfortable in your home.
2. Infesting Pests Can Create Health Problems For You and Your Family
According to public health officials, quality pest control attributes to the overall clean quality of living that Americans enjoy each and every day. This is because without professional pest control services, the spread of disease by infesting pests would be much greater. Some of the pests that most commonly invade our homes including, ticks, rodents and mosquitos, are capable of carrying diseases or viruses that can contribute to poor health for homeowners. The rodents that so often infest our homes, including mice and rats, can carry Hantavirus which may be life threatening to humans, causing kidney damage or failure. Although not as immediately dangerous as hantavirus, ticks can infect humans with Lyme disease which causes flu-like symptoms and in some cases, can be fatal if not promptly treated with antibiotics. Mosquitos, which are known to cause more human deaths than any animal in the world, can transfer dangerous illnesses including Zika, malaria and West Nile Virus.
Pest infestations can be especially dangerous to those who live with asthma or allergies. Some pests, including rodents and roaches, have a protein in their droppings which is known to cause allergic reactions in vulnerable individuals which can lead to dangerous asthma attacks and respiratory issues. Wasps are also known to cause allergic reactions in some people through the venom they inject as they sting. Even if you or anyone in your family are not asthmatic or allergic, exposure to infesting insects and especially their droppings can have a negative impact on your lungs. Because it is not possible to know whether or not a pest is carrying a disease, it is always the best idea to be overly cautious and hire professional pest control services to effectively take care of your infestation.
3. Pests Can Cause Damages to Your Property and Belongings
Different types of pest infestations pose unique risks to your property and belongings. Termites alone cause five billion dollars in damages to properties in the United States each and every year. If you are facing a termite infestation, your belongings and the structural integrity of your home are absolutely compromised as these insects eat away at wooden furniture, structural timbers, hardwood floors and any other wood source that supports your home. Other insects prefer to feed on fibers putting upholstered sofas, clothing, towels and blankets at risk for damage. Additionally, a rodent infestation can result in damages to electrical wiring and contamination of the insulation in your home. Regardless of the type of pest infection your family is facing, it is important to seek professional pest control services to ensure the safety and integrity or your property, home and belongings.
4. Pests Can Contaminate The Food Your Family Eats
Pest control is especially necessary when considering all of the ways in which food can face contamination due to infesting pests. According to estimates made by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 48 million Americans become sick, 128,000 hospitalized and 3,000 die every year from food poisoning. During production, food may be contaminated in many different ways, however, one contaminating factor is the presence of pests that are carrying dangerous diseases in food facilities. These statistic speak to how dangerous pests can be when it comes to the food we eat, and even the food you have in your home. Uncontaminated foods in your home can become contaminated when infesting pests make a meal out of your family’s food supply. When cockroaches dig into your food, they contaminate it with their saliva and waste. These secretions contain bacteria that can cause diarrhea, food poisoning and Staph infections in humans. Rodents may also contaminate the food you eat through their feces, while houseflies can cause food poisoning and dysentery.
There are a few steps you can take to help reduce your chances of food contamination in your home. These include storing flour, sugar and similar ingredients in bags or containers that are tightly sealed, storing your garbage cans outside, cleaning up food particles or spills immediately and washing your dishes after your meal instead of letting dirty dishes pile up in your sink. Failing to take these steps will give outside pests a reason to join you and your family indoors as they search for food.
5. Pest Control Services Help Create A Stress Free Home Environment
It is hard to be at peace in a home that is constantly plagued by pests. When you rely on professional pest control services to take care of your infestation, you are allowing your family to live in a stress and pest free environment. The constant worry of pests in your home is not only annoying, but can cause you to worry about potential diseases and dangers that these pests may pose to your family. Create a happy and healthy home for you and your loved ones by leaving pest control to the professionals.
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